Saturday, February 18, 2017

Presenting Content



As I continue to earn my degree, I am learning wonderful ways to teach students. I am collecting many alternative ways to be an effective teacher. One assignment is to discover 5 ways to present content.

The following are some ideas to use while presenting content to English Language Learners, Special Needs Students, and Advanced/Gifted Students.

English Language Learner:

1.   Visualization- use of flash cards, pictures etc...
2.   Think-Pair-Share - have students work together in pairs or groups and share.
3.   Realia - use everyday objects such as clock, chairs, books etc...
4.   Games - words games to enhance vocabulary
5.   Tic Tac Toe menu- Student chooses assignment parts in a tic tac toe pattern

Special Needs:

1.   Visualization - use of memory card or pictures.         
2.   Realia - familiar items to student
3.   Games - counting or identification
4.   Technology - for students with visual impairment use computer with large fonts
5.   Amplification -  a student with hearing impairments may need amplification to understand all content.

Advanced / Gifted Learners:

1.   Teach a lesson to peers
2.   Think-Pair-Share-have students work together in pairs or groups and share.
3.   Games - use Jeopardy as a base and challenge student to answer "what is or who is" questions.
4.   Tic Tac Toe Menu- Student chooses assignment parts in a tic tac toe pattern
5.   RAFT ( Role Audience Format Topic)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Introduction - Felicia Burch

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Hi, my name is Felicia Burch.  I am a mother of three and wife to a very cool guy, Bill.  I started my journey in becoming a teacher about 12 years ago.  I would be teaching now but life has a funny way of throwing you off course.  With that said I'm here and ready to teach when I am done with school. 
It has always been my dream to have my own classroom.  Decorating walls with students work and creating reading corners with a plethora of books. Teaching students how to have fun while learning.
I believe that all students can learn when they are given the opportunity.  I strongly believe that differentiated instruction can give all students that extra push in succeeding.  One way of using DI is with English Language Learners.  Utilizing Chrome Books or tablets to allow them to read a book in their primary language, then at their own pace translating it into the English language.  I feel this will help them keep up with the class reading assignments and protect their self-esteem.  Once I am in a classroom, I will be able to explore other forms of DI.

I have not had the opportunity to teach as of yet.  I am working my way through school as they would say, making sure my family is taken care of while I am going to school.  I have been in the coffee industry for almost 22 years as a Customer Service Representative / New Accounts / Purchasing Agent. 

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For the last twenty years I have been a bowling league coordinator.  Coordinating an adult bowling league on Saturday nights.  We have a tournament every six months in Las Vegas.  Having fun and bowling with family and friends, who have become family, is one of most fun activities I have the opportunity to be a part of.  I enjoy seeing new members join the league.  As you can tell I am a people person.