Saturday, February 18, 2017

Presenting Content



As I continue to earn my degree, I am learning wonderful ways to teach students. I am collecting many alternative ways to be an effective teacher. One assignment is to discover 5 ways to present content.

The following are some ideas to use while presenting content to English Language Learners, Special Needs Students, and Advanced/Gifted Students.

English Language Learner:

1.   Visualization- use of flash cards, pictures etc...
2.   Think-Pair-Share - have students work together in pairs or groups and share.
3.   Realia - use everyday objects such as clock, chairs, books etc...
4.   Games - words games to enhance vocabulary
5.   Tic Tac Toe menu- Student chooses assignment parts in a tic tac toe pattern

Special Needs:

1.   Visualization - use of memory card or pictures.         
2.   Realia - familiar items to student
3.   Games - counting or identification
4.   Technology - for students with visual impairment use computer with large fonts
5.   Amplification -  a student with hearing impairments may need amplification to understand all content.

Advanced / Gifted Learners:

1.   Teach a lesson to peers
2.   Think-Pair-Share-have students work together in pairs or groups and share.
3.   Games - use Jeopardy as a base and challenge student to answer "what is or who is" questions.
4.   Tic Tac Toe Menu- Student chooses assignment parts in a tic tac toe pattern
5.   RAFT ( Role Audience Format Topic)

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