Monday, April 10, 2017

Teaching Introduction

Hello, my name is Felicia Burch. I am in the process of earning my Multi-Subject Credential to start my teaching career.  I have been in the customer service field for the last 25 + years.  It has always been my dream to become a teacher but as life goes it has taken me a while to pursue my goal.  I have not been in a classroom as of yet but cannot wait until I get there.  I have learned so much in the past eight months that I can see the goal ahead.  

One goal I have is to work hard and for the diverse population in our schools.  As we know in today's society there are many challenges and uncertainties we all face.  It is my intention to help ease those uncertainties within the classroom.  The best way I can do that is learn various ways of helping my students.  I foresee many long nights of preparing differentiated instructions and other ways to give my students the ability to comprehend what is being taught.  I am excited to start my career in teaching.  By nature I feel the need to nurture.  Watching children respond to new things makes me happy.  Watching students succeed will be the ultimate. 

Working in the customer service field, I have a had the chance to work with many personalities.  I believe this will give me a leg up in the teaching field because I will have to answer to many different personalities traits such as parents, administration and most importantly the student.  I am a fair person to all and care for others.  I believe a classroom can be fun and disciplined at the same time.  That I believe is a recipe for success.  

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Annotated Bibliography - Classroom Instruction that Works

Citation: Dean, C.B, Hubbell, E.R, Pitler, H., Stone, Bj  Classroom Instruction that Works, Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, 2nd Edition   ASCD Alexandria, Virginia USA

Dean, Hubbel, Pitler and Stone have created a book that is easy to read and understand.  They explain the importance of categories such as setting objectives and providing feedback.  The authors suggest that when a "teacher communicates objectives for student learning, students can see more easily the connections between what they are doing in class and what they are supposed to learn"(pg 3) "When feedback provides explicit guidance that helps students adjust their learning" (pg 3)
This particular information gives teachers new and seasoned the tools to teach efficiently and effectively.  In addition to being easy to read it is also easy to follow.  Providing various ways to help you become an outstanding teacher..

I would give this book a big thumbs up!  It help me to understand multiple categories in depth by placing each category in scenarios that were realistic in today's teachings.

Book Highlights

Reinforcing and Recognition

Often a teacher recognizes how well or not so well a student is moving along.  We ask ourselves how do we reinforce effort and how much recognition do we give to students.  Dean, Hubbel, Pitler suggest that when teachers help students understand the connection between effort and achievement they begin to be in control of their academic learning.  The authors of the book offer three practices for reinforcing effort:

  • Teach Students about the relationship between effort and achievement.
  • Provide students with explicit guidance about exactly what it means to expend effort
  • Ask students to keep track of their effort and achievement.

When in comes to providing recognition it is best to recognize based on student success and not to praise on performance based one student achievement versus another's.  Here is three practice the authors have suggested:

  • Promote a mastery-goal orientation
  • Provide praise that is specific and aligned with expected performance and behaviors
  • Use concrete symbols and recognition

Cooperative Learning

"Using cooperative learning helps teachers lay the foundation for student success in a work that depends on collaboration and cooperation" (pg35).  Dean, Hubbel and Pitler pose the theory that learning can be most successful a well designed social interaction with others.  Students are able to work side by side with their peers and reflect on their findings and the knowledge they have on the task at hand.  The authors have provided a learning model to help guide teachers in their quest for a successful cooperative learning experience.  In addition they ( the authors) recommend three practice for teachers:
  • Include elements of both positive interdependence and individual accountability
  • keep group size small
  • Use cooperative learning consistently and systematically.

Assigning Homework and Providing Practice

While homework can be a daunting to some students the authors have provided some honest information on homework perception. Research shows that some homework (practice) is a mix between positive and negative.  The positive (homework)  is considered "practice makes perfect". The negative can in some cases out way the positive.  The negative include disruption in family life, physical and emotional fatigue, lack of leisure activities and conflicts between parent and student.  However, the truth of the matter is that homework in not going away.  The authors recommend the following practices to teachers:
  • Develop and communicate a district of school homework policy
  • Design homework assignments that support academic learning and communicate their purpose
  • Provide feedback on assigned homework
Three recommendations for providing practice:
  • Clearly identify and communicate the purpose of practice activities
  • Design practice sessions that are short, focused, and distributed over time
  • Provide feedback on practice sessions.

The tips that are found in this text are clear and simple.  


Dean, C.B, Hubbell, E.R., Pitler, H., Stone, Bj, Classroom Instruction that Works, Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement 2nd Edition 2012, ASCD Alexandria, Virginia

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Presenting Content



As I continue to earn my degree, I am learning wonderful ways to teach students. I am collecting many alternative ways to be an effective teacher. One assignment is to discover 5 ways to present content.

The following are some ideas to use while presenting content to English Language Learners, Special Needs Students, and Advanced/Gifted Students.

English Language Learner:

1.   Visualization- use of flash cards, pictures etc...
2.   Think-Pair-Share - have students work together in pairs or groups and share.
3.   Realia - use everyday objects such as clock, chairs, books etc...
4.   Games - words games to enhance vocabulary
5.   Tic Tac Toe menu- Student chooses assignment parts in a tic tac toe pattern

Special Needs:

1.   Visualization - use of memory card or pictures.         
2.   Realia - familiar items to student
3.   Games - counting or identification
4.   Technology - for students with visual impairment use computer with large fonts
5.   Amplification -  a student with hearing impairments may need amplification to understand all content.

Advanced / Gifted Learners:

1.   Teach a lesson to peers
2.   Think-Pair-Share-have students work together in pairs or groups and share.
3.   Games - use Jeopardy as a base and challenge student to answer "what is or who is" questions.
4.   Tic Tac Toe Menu- Student chooses assignment parts in a tic tac toe pattern
5.   RAFT ( Role Audience Format Topic)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Introduction - Felicia Burch

Image result for dr seuss quotes

Hi, my name is Felicia Burch.  I am a mother of three and wife to a very cool guy, Bill.  I started my journey in becoming a teacher about 12 years ago.  I would be teaching now but life has a funny way of throwing you off course.  With that said I'm here and ready to teach when I am done with school. 
It has always been my dream to have my own classroom.  Decorating walls with students work and creating reading corners with a plethora of books. Teaching students how to have fun while learning.
I believe that all students can learn when they are given the opportunity.  I strongly believe that differentiated instruction can give all students that extra push in succeeding.  One way of using DI is with English Language Learners.  Utilizing Chrome Books or tablets to allow them to read a book in their primary language, then at their own pace translating it into the English language.  I feel this will help them keep up with the class reading assignments and protect their self-esteem.  Once I am in a classroom, I will be able to explore other forms of DI.

I have not had the opportunity to teach as of yet.  I am working my way through school as they would say, making sure my family is taken care of while I am going to school.  I have been in the coffee industry for almost 22 years as a Customer Service Representative / New Accounts / Purchasing Agent. 

Image result for google bowling  images

For the last twenty years I have been a bowling league coordinator.  Coordinating an adult bowling league on Saturday nights.  We have a tournament every six months in Las Vegas.  Having fun and bowling with family and friends, who have become family, is one of most fun activities I have the opportunity to be a part of.  I enjoy seeing new members join the league.  As you can tell I am a people person.